OMQG Community Engagement Quilt
9 Patch Block Instructions

We will be passing out kits at the September meeting. Anyone not able to attend, please reach out to to make arrangements to pick up or have us drop off. Each kit will have a set of instructions. Kits will be due back to us at the October meeting. Patty McArdle so graciously took a kit ahead of time and took these wonderful step by step photos for us!
Please note - there will be many blocks with not much variation at all. The center light pinks will look almost the same even though the strips are labeled differently. The outer edge is made up of the 4 darkest strips and again there will not be much variation. In this case it is most helpful to stick to the labels and not pay attention to the dark and light strip names. Make sure you do press one toward the middle and the other toward the outer strips so you are still able to nest. If you run into an envelope with a missing strip, please place all the strips back in the envelope and make a note on it and include when you turn in at the October meet.
Each kit = 1 manilla envelope.
Inside of each manilla envelope are 6 business envelopes.
It will also contain a set of instructions for piecing and pressing.
Each business envelope will contain 6 strips. 3 light strips labeled A and 3 dark strips labeled B.
You will strip piece two block sets. One set will be ABA and the second will be BAB.
For the first set sew strip A to strip B and then another A to the AB set.
Press the seams toward the darker fabric labeled B on this first set.
After pressing, cut your block into three 2" strips. Set aside.
Now onto the second set which will be arranged BAB.
Sew strip B to strip A and then the second B to the BA strip.
Press again to the dark side again. This way when we swap blocks the seams will nest.
Cut the block into three 2" strips again.
Now that you have 6 - 2" strips you will swap the middle strip in each block. This way we have 5 light squares in one block and 5 dark squares in the second.
Sew the strips together and trim to 5" unfinished.
Examples of blocks with more variation.