Saturday, August 17, 2024

Threads Across Nebraska Information

  Threads Across Nebraska

October 4th and 5th will be the 19th Annual Threads Across Nebraska. This event is being sponsored by 

the Nebraska State Quilt Guild and will include a merchant’s mall. Arlen & Susan Brown are the featured 

quilters. This event is being held at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Kearney at the Exposition building.


The Threads Across Nebraska committee would like to invite your guild to be a part of this event by

providing the following number of quilts for the display.

 10 large quilts – large wall hanging to bed quilts - 64 x 64 or larger

 10 small quilts – miniatures to large wall hangings – smaller than 64 x 64

We ask that only one quilt per quilter be selected, unless they have a quilt that was made in a class 

taught by Arlen or Susan Brown. With Arlen & Suzie being the featured quilters, there will be a 

display of quilts made in their classes. Please select the quilts before September 10th.

The exhibit area will be locked after set-up on Thursday and only unlocked during the show hours. 

No after-hours admittance will be allowed. 


Quilt check in will begin on Thursday morning, October 3rd, between 9:00 a.m. and noon at the 
Buffalo County Expo building. Quilts will be hung starting at 10:30 a.m. Quilts will be taken 
down and placed in a secure check out area when the show closes on Saturday. All quilts will go 
through a check out process, so everything is accounted for before release to the owners. 
Please be aware that this process does take time and you may not take any quilts until all are 
accounted for and the check-out process begins.

Registration Form to Enter Quilts


Classes for Threads Across Nebraska

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